
Overview of One Health in Viet Nam

The tropical Asia region in which Viet Nam is located is considered one of five global “hot spots” for EIDs in humans and animals. Since 2003, Viet Nam has experienced serious human and economic impacts from zoonotic EIDs including SARS and Avian Influenza, as well as agricultural losses from livestock diseases estimated at over one billion USD.

Effective high-level national coordination and international cooperation has been a hallmark of Viet Nam’s response to EIDs in humans and animals. Since 2006, the Partnership on Avian and Human Influenza (PAHI), with 26 national and international members, has supported national and international efforts within the framework of theNationalIntegratedOperationalProgramonAvianandHumanInfluenza(OPI),2006-2010,andtheNationalIntegratedOperationalProgramonAvianInfluenza, Pandemic Preparednessand Emerging InfectiousDiseases(AIPED), 2011-2015. The overall approach in Viet Nam has progressively evolved from a single-disease focus towards long-term One Health capacity building, preparedness and prevention, encompassing multiple zoonotic EID threats, and incorporating human, livestock, wildlife, and environmental health aspects.


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