Job Vacancy

Vacancy announcement for SCOH2 project - Knowledge Management Officer

2018-05-03 16:03:30

The project Strengthening Capacity for the Implementation of One Health in Vietnam – Phase II (SCOH-2) builds on the results of the SCOH and earlier activities to strengthen overall national One Health capacity and operationalization in Viet Nam. With funding from United States Agency for International Development (USAID) via United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the SCOH-2 project implemented by MARD in partnership with MOH will contribute to the reduction of the threats to public health from avian and pandemic influenza and other emerging infectious diseases through the application of a One Health approach. The objectives of this project are (i) Supporting a revised national coordination mechanism and the effective function of the One Health Partnership for Zoonoses; (ii) Promoting the regular interaction between policy-makers and other stakeholders, including universities and the private sector, on policy discussion and forums focusing on implementing a One Health approach and Global Health Security Agenda in Vietnam; (iii) Supporting the collaboration among GoVN and development partners in implementing GoVN’s One Health Strategies and GHSA’s Roadmap and Work plan; and exploring other existing and/or planned projects and programs in Viet Nam and identifying linkages where tangible One Health complementarities could be applied.

The project is currently seeking the following positions: 01 Knowledge Management Officer (KMO)

Duty station: Hanoi, Vietnam

Application must include an application letter in English, CV and copies of relevant academic degree(s), indicating clearly “Application for the position of KMO, SCOH-2 project” to:

OHP Secretariat Office

1st Floor, B1 Building, No.10 Nguyen Cong Hoan, Ba Dinh, Hanoi

Telephone: +84 243 7711356/ +84 243 7713741

Fax: +84 243 7711362


Deadline for Applications: No later than 17:00, Monday, 21 May 2018

For more information, please refer to:

TOR for Knowledge Management Officer - VN

TOR for Knowledge Management Officer - EN

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