Viet Nam

Viet Nam and International Partners successfully launch the Viet Nam One Health Partnership for Zoonoses (OHP)

2016-05-03 13:01:05

The Partnership is a new initiative of the Government of Viet Nam to combat health risks posed by diseases transmitted to humans from animals. Representing the Government, Vice Minister Vu Van Tam of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development said at the Launching Ceremony: “The new Partnership will organize an Annual One Health Forum and other opportunities for national and international partners to share results and lessons from their work, to provide recommendations on One Health policy, strategy and research projects in Viet Nam, to enhance international cooperation for effective coordination and mobilization of funds, and to facilitate and promote engagement of Viet Nam in regional and global One Health efforts.” A Partnership office based at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development will provide a focal point for these activities.

Since the start of the new millennium, Viet Nam has experienced serious human health and economic impacts from infectious diseases that transmitted from animals to humans, including SARS and avian influenza. The new Partnership builds on and expands existing national efforts and international cooperation to address human and animal disease risks with a strategy that encompasses all aspects of human, animal, and environmental health systems.

The new Partnership will support Viet Nam as one of two lead countries for the Zoonotic Diseases Action Package (ZDAP), which is one of 11 key areas of the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA), a global effort with the engagement of over 40 countries to protect the world from infectious disease threats.

The launch of the new Partnership has drawn attention from a wide range of partners as well as from media agencies. The signed Framework with signatures of 27 signatories is now available at:

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