Job Vacancy

Recruitment of Two consultants: (i) Team leader and One Health specialist (Animal Health) and (ii) One Health specialist (Human Health)

2014-10-24 08:07:54

The objectives of the project are the establishment and sustainable operation of a revised and improved coordination structure on API and EIDs, and the reinforcement of national policy dialogue and knowledge sharing mechanism on the implementation of the One Health approach in Viet Nam as well as in regional and

The project is currently seeking positions:

Two consultants: (i) Team leader and One Health specialist (Animal Health) and (ii) One Health specialist (Human Health) for support to the development of a consultative process and development of a national One Health Roadmap and activity Matrix (National)

The purpose of this assignment is to facilitate and support a consultative process as a basis for the development of:

i.                    A proposed Roadmap identifying policy actions, legal tools, activities, outputs and outcomes that are not yet addressed in existing projects, programmes and related activities, focusing on the period from mid-2014 through mid-2016 and building on previous progress on applying a One Health approach in Viet Nam; and

ii.                  A Matrix of One Health projects, programmes and related activities in Viet Nam.

Interested tenders are invited to send the most updated CV and financial offer to:

PAHI Secretariat

Room 301, A8 Building, No.10 Nguyen Cong Hoan, Ba Dinh, Hanoi

Telephone: 04 3 7711356

Deadline for Applications: No later than 17h00, November 06th, 2014

For more information, please download here: 

TOR English version

TOR Vietnamese version

Financial Offer

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