2016-07-05 15:46:46
(Source: http://www.vietnamplus.vn/)
Minister Cao Duc Phat expressed his high appreciation for Mdm. Victoria Kwakwa contributions to and close cooperation with the agriculture and rural development sector during her work term in Viet Nam. In recent years, thanks to the support of Mdm. Kwakwa and World Bank officials in Viet Nam, the agriculture and rural development in Viet Nam has received tremendous assistance through IDA-funded projects (concessional lending for poor and less-developed countries).
(Source: USAID Viet Nam)
(Source: FAO-ECTAD)
Also in May 2016, Dr Scott Newman, FAO Viet Nam’s former ECTAD Senior Technical Coordinator received the “Medal for the Agriculture and Rural Development Cause” from the Department of Livestock Production (DLP) of MARD, for his remarkable contributions to a safe and healthy livestock production system, disease prevention and surveillance, and reducing disease transmission risks at the source of infection.