Viet Nam

The 3rd International Conference on the Zoonotic Diseases Action Package (ZDAP 2017) in Da Nang, Viet Nam

2018-01-08 13:47:08

The Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) is a partnership of over 50 nations, international organizations, and non-governmental stakeholders building the capacity of the participating countries to help create a world safe and secure from infectious disease threats and to elevate global health security as a national and global priority. In 11 GHSA Action Packages, the Zoonotic Diseases Action Package (ZDAP) has the purpose of strengthening the capacities of the GHSA participating countries in order to detect, prevent, and respond to global public health threats arising mainly from zoonotic diseases that could cause an outbreak, pandemic or Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).

Indonesia, Viet Nam and Senegal, as the current lead countries for ZDAP, have agreed on the organisation of a series of successive annual meetings, bringing together lead and contributing countries and other key related stakeholders and interested partners. Building on the success of the first meeting took place in Ha Noi in August 2015 and the second meeting took place in Jakarta in August 2016, the 3rd Coordination Conference for the Zoonotic Diseases Action Package (3rd International ZDAP Conference) will be organised in Viet Nam with following objectives: 

(i)                To strengthen cooperation and share best practices and key actions among GHSA participating countries in implementing the Zoonotic Disease Action Package (ZDAP), and

(ii)             To review progress made, lesson learned including best practices and develop way forward to strengthen and integrate prevention, surveillance, laboratory, and response capacities to minimise the spill over and transmission of zoonotic diseases between animal (domestic and wild) and human populations.

It is proposed that the Conference will have participations from ZDAP lead and contributing countries, ASEAN+3, selected SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) & SPC (Secretariat of the Pacific Community ) countries; the current and upcoming Chairs of the GHSA Steering Group; GHSA contributing Organisations including WHO, FAO, OIE; GHSA Partners: multilateral and bilateral donors, international technical and research organisations, non-governmental organisations; ASEAN, SAARC, SPC Secretariats. Observers from related national, regional and provincial organisations of Viet Nam will also join the event.

The 3rd ZDAP Conference is tentatively organised in Da Nang, Viet Nam from 28-30 August 2017. Key outcomes of the Conference will be important inputs for the GHSA Ministerial meeting in Kampala, Uganda on 25-27 October 2017./.

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