2016-07-04 19:06:57
After 8 years of technical assistance, significant improvements in laboratory, surveillance and diagnosis capacity, policy formulation, biosecurity, and awareness have been recognized and highly appreciated. FAO Viet Nam ECTAD and the Department of Animal Health (DAH) within MARD have recently co-published the “Legacy Document: 8 years of immediate technical assistance activities strengthening emergency preparedness for HPAI in Viet Nam” to commemorate this successful collaboration.
Building upon the long history of collaboration and lessons learned, FAO ECTAD Viet Nam has now transitioned to address broader animal health, animal production, and food safety areas guided by the Government of Viet Nam’s current priorities. Most recently, FAO is supporting One Health in order to address human, animal and ecological health in a collaborative cross-sectoral and transdisciplinary manner, contributing to increasing the resilience of livelihoods, ensuring the sustainability of animal health and production interventions, and helping to eliminate hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition.
(According to FAO-ECTAD)