Viet Nam

Reviewing the Global Health Security Agenda roadmap in Viet Nam

2016-07-05 15:55:39

The meeting was co-chaired by the General Department of Preventive Medicine (GDPM) of the Ministry of Health (MOH) and the Department of Animal Health (DAH) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD), with the participation of over 100 delegates from different agencies of MOH, MARD, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, as well as representatives from related international organizations such as WHO, FAO, USCDC, USAID, UNDP, DTRA, EU, PATH and WCS.

The GHSA, an important cooperation program between Viet Nam and the international community, was launched in 2014. Viet Nam’s participation in the GHSA demonstrates the country’s commitment on disease prevention and health protection. Preventing, preparing for and responding to the occurrence of dangerous and other emerging diseases as well as public health events of international concern requires a joint effort between countries.

During the the implementation of GHSA in Viet Nam, the Program has always received the full attention and support from the GoVN and the cooperation of related ministries and departments as well as national and international organizations. Over the past two years, the GHSA has assisted Viet Nam to ensure the implementation of the basic requirements of the International Health Regulations (2005). As a result, dangerous and emerging diseases have been prevented and controlled in a timely manner, and diseases circulating within the country have tended to decrease or to no longer cause outbreaks, contributing to the public health and social security of the country.


The meeting was an opportunity for Viet Nam to have a clearer view about the roadmap for GHSA implementation during the period 2015-2019, covering 11 different Action Packages within the GHSA. Based on the overall roadmap, priority activities for the coming three years were identified, with a particular focus on 2016 and 2017. With the active contribution of all participants, group discussions at the meeting identified the results achieved in the first two years of GHSA implementation, including many activities with technical and financial support from international partners, especially from CDC and USAID. The achievements to date provide a firm basis for the implementation of proposed activities in the upcoming years.


The meeting provided a useful forum for information sharing, collaboration and integration of activities under the scope of the GHSA. Following this event, the Organizing Committee and its partners intend to collect comments and inputs from the participants in order to finalize the GHSA Roadmap in Viet Nam for the period 2015-2019./.

(Source: GDPM, MOH)

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