2016-01-09 17:10:44
ECOMORE (standing for ECOnomic development, ECOsystem Modifications and emerging infectious diseases Risk Evaluation) is a project that has been funded by Agence Française de Développement (AFD), Institut Pasteur International and Institut Pasteur with total amount of 2.7 million euros for a duration of three years in four Southeast Asia countries consisting of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Viet Nam. One of the most important targets of this project is to better understand infectious diseases emergence that originates from anthropogenic ecological changes and the risks to human health nowadays, through surveillance system enhancement and regional as well as national collaboration improvement. In Viet Nam, The National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE) is the focal agency who implements the project, which has the main theme of “Assessing the impacts of livetock intensification to community health” in a situation where there is a lack of data and analysis of risk assessment to human healh and surrounding environment while Viet Nam has experienced a shift from traditional household farming system to more intensive techniques.
One of the the plus points of the project component conducted in Viet Nam has been the involvement of stakeholders, local authorities and community from the very beginning, which fits well with the One Health concept. Within the ECOMORE project framework, a workshop is to be organized in Hanoi on 22nd December 2015 for information sharing with the contribution of related agencies working in the One Health and Eco-Health fields in Viet Nam.