Viet Nam

Enhance One Health coordination mechanisms in Vietnam

2015-01-06 04:52:18

The Chair and Vice-Chair of the meeting emphasized in their open remarks the challenges posed by dangerous diseases in animals and humans both inside and outside the country, and noting that Viet Nam is located within one of several global disease risk hot spots. In this context, addressing disease risks at the human-animal-environment interface through a One Health approach is of the utmost necessity. Viet Nam has strongly committed to participate actively in the Global Health Security (GHS) Agenda, which calls for effective national One Health coordination.

The General Department of Preventive Medicine (GDPM) introduced the One Health concept and provided an overview of national coordination mechanisms, focused on the two national steering committees. Feedback from provinces emphasizes the need to ensure consistent directions which requires activity coordination between the two steering committees. Circular 16 also provides an important basis for collaboration, particularly between GDPM and the Department of Animal Health (DAH).

PAHI Secretariat presented the results of the review, based on interviews with key stakeholders in MARD and MOH, provincial agriculture and health authorities and international partners and the recommendations of the 2nd National One Health Conference in April 2013. The review team found strong consensus by national and international partners that the overall approach to national coordination during peak alert and crisis periods had proven to be effective, with the direct involvement from high-level leaders in chairing key meetings and directing the national response. National and international stakeholders generally identified the need to enhance coordination during ‘peacetime’, including on prevention activities and addressing drivers of disease.

The two senior national consultants engaged by MARD through the SC-OH project presented the draft design for the revised partnership, based on consultations with MARD and MOH as well as MONRE and suggestions from international partners. 

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