2018-04-19 17:12:43
As set out in the Partnership Framework of the Viet Nam One Health Partnership for Zoonoses (OHP) signed in Hanoi between the Government of Viet Nam and related national and international partners on 1 March 2016, one of the objectives of the OHP is to provide recommendations to decision makers on One Health policy, strategy and research projects in Vietnam, strengthening institutional capacity for implementation of One Health in public health protection.
In line with this objective, the project “Strengthening capacity for the implementation of One Health in Viet Nam, Phase 2” (SCOH2) includes the objective of supporting One Health policy, research and field activities related to preventing, detecting, and responding to emerging and serious infectious disease threats. Output 2.4 of the SCOH2 project calls for commissioned research studies completed with technical and financial support, under the direction of a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). The TAC is comprised of experts and technical officers from related national agencies in Viet Nam together with counterparts from international members of the OHP. As in the previous phase, research activities commissioned by the SCOH2 project aim to complement, amplify and avoid duplication with other One Health research activities of OHP members or more broadly.
On 6 February 2018, the 1st TAC meeting was held with the objective of clarifying the expected scope and approach to policy research and advocacy under the project, and identifying and brainstorming on possible thematic areas and research questions.
A number of comments and suggestions after the meeting could be summarized as:
· Attention should be given to identifying relevant decision makers in Viet Nam, including the roles of elected bodies such as the National Assembly and People’s Committees and related standing committees working groups, etc. Experience has shown that these stakeholders are open to receiving relevant research findings and recommendations in order to inform their policy and legislative activities.
· As part of the SCOH2 research activities, it might be relevant and valuable to organise workshops to bring together related experts and their data, for example applying tools developed by CIRAD, and preparing a paper to capture the discussions of the workshop and the contributions of related research efforts.
· Consideration could be given to a training session for OHP members on how to develop and disseminate policy briefs.
· Seeking opportunities to link with other partners and existing initiatives; as well as involving graduate students who are also looking for relevant research opportunities.
· Consideration should be given to utilize the available budget to produce most solid research evidence for policy advocacy; and focus on one overall policy issue covering key research issues (such as antimicrobial resistance, rabies prevention and control, One Health and the environment, etc.)
The research findings will be disseminated and advocated for policy development that includes: briefings provided to leaders, donors and related stakeholders, presenting findings and policy reports in OHP’s activities such as quarterly newsletter and website, in policy briefs, meetings of One Health Steering Committee, “Research-to-Policy” workshops, Annual One Health Forum, annual updated report on the progress of National One Health Strategic Plan, 2016-2020 as well as briefings to leaders of the two Ministries, to donors and to related partners./.