Viet Nam

Viet Nam observes World Rabies Day 2016

2017-01-24 10:29:15

In recent years, Viet Nam has achieved impressive progress in rabies elimination via coordinated sectoral activities between Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD), Ministry of Health (MOH) and local authorities. Up to now, 49 cases of death due to rabies have been recorded throughout the country in 2016, compared to 58 deaths in 22 provinces in the same period last year. This progress demonstrates that Government of Viet Nam has been following the right direction in eliminating the disease.

In response to World Rabies Day 2016 (28 September) and with the aim of showing Viet Nam’s high commitment in playing a leading role in rabies prevention and control in ASEAN, a national event was organized in Nghe An and Gia Lai provinces on 24 and 28 September respectively with the message “Communication and Vaccination towards Rabies Elimination”. In order to enhance scientific evidence and information/experience sharing, a scientific conference was also held on 23 September in Nghe An province right before the World Rabies Day event with the attendance of about 200 participants from related national and international agencies.

On behalf of MOH and MARD, Dr Dang Quang Tan – Deputy Director of General Department of Preventive Medicine and Mdm. Nguyen Thu Thuy - Deputy Director of Department of Animal Health reaffirmed the commitment to continuous collaboration by the two ministries and local authorities at all levels, the World Health Organization (WHO), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and related international agencies in raising awareness about disease prevention and the extension of PEP for people who get bitten by dogs and other animals that may potentially be carrying rabies. The two ministries will also work together in improving surveillance system and disease reporting, encouraging more effective cooperation between animal and human health sectors at local levels.

Given the aim of moving towards ending rabies in Viet Nam by 2020, a lot of effort is required. In addition to the involvement of the human health and animal health sectors, the strong commitment and involvement of local authorities at all levels is also vital. Moreover, in addition to technical solutions such as health services improvement, appropriate resource allocation for disease prevention and control as well as the participation of the whole community will contribute greatly to achieving such an ambitious objective. Observing the World Rabies Day is an opportunity to enhance people’s knowledge of rabies prevention and to strengthen sectoral collaboration following a One Health approach. At the ceremony, representatives of the provincial authority and ministries as well as international organizations signed the commitment to jointly prevent and respond to rabies.

This event was co-organized by MOH, MARD, the Provincial People’s Committees and related local departments, with technical, financial support and facilitation from WHO, FAO, USCDC, the Viet Nam One Health Partnership for Zoonoses (OHP) and the P&R project as well as the participation of One Health Communication Network (OHCN) members. 

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