2018-01-08 13:51:50
Dr Dennis Carroll emphasised the long-term cooperation between USAID and MARD, which is demonstrated through the Global Health Security Agenda, the EPT-2 program, One Health activities and the work of the Viet Nam One Health Partnership for Zoonoses (OHP) – an agency acting as a channel between ministries, as well as between the Government and international donors and other partners. Dr Carroll stated that USAID highly appreciates Viet Nam’s success in launching the OHP in March 2016 as well as the development and approval of the National One Health Strategic Plan (OHSP), 2016-2020 in December 2016. The EPT-2 implementation progress was also recognised and USAID’s support in the fourth year will continue to be maintained.
On behalf of MARD, Vice Minister Vu Van Tam stated that Viet Nam recognises the challenge of emerging public health threats, including threats emanating from livestock and wild animals, which account for many of the new diseases effecting human health, people’s livelihoods and macro-economic development in recent years. Viet Nam is strongly committed to continuing its response to these issues, and MARD is working closely with MOH, other national agencies, and international partners as part of national, regional and global efforts.Viet Nam highly appreciates USAID’s long-term assistance on avian influenza, zoonoses, emerging pandemic threats and global health security over many years, and is strongly committed to the continuation of this partnership. The support for EPT-2 is in line with MARD’s priorities and has brought positive results. Viet Nam also strongly appreciates the collaboration and support from USAID’s partners such as FAO, WCS, P&R and especially the OHP Secretariat.
In conclusion, the two parties committed to continuously strengthen the collaboration and work closely together to undertake proposed activities. It is also expected that the 3rd International Conference on the Zoonotic Diseases Action Package (ZDAP) under the Global Health Security Agenda will be successfully organised (co-chaired by MOH and MARD), in collaboration with the other two ZDAP lead countries namely Indonesia and Senegal./.